1. Email the details of your event (when, where, and which document you will be handwriting) and you will receive a personalized invitation as an optimized pdf. You may suggest a background color. 

2. Send this invitation to friends, colleagues, and anyone in your community you think might be interested.

3. Download copies of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATESTHE AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION, the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS or any other document protecting human rights that you are handwriting, and print copies for your group. Pocket-sized copies of the U.S. Constitution can be purchased online at the NATIONAL CENTRE FOR CONSTITUTIONAL STUDIES and the AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION.

4. Bring pens and paper for your fellow hand-writers.

5. When everyone is writing, stay with your own concentration and writing. Let people be.

6. When the session is finished, share photographs of your event online using the hashtag
#handwritingtheconstitution and/or email the best ones to 

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HANDWRITING THE CONSTITUTION is a fiscally sponsored project of the New York Foundation for the Arts. DONATE TO THE PROJECT HERE